‘I ATE THE WORLD’, my photographic journey through stories, food and people, available in bookstores with Rizzoli from May 22nd.
‘I ate the World’ is my photographic journey through stories, food and people, available in bookstores with Rizzoli from May 22nd. It covers a personal story composed by images and written notes, to discover stories, taste street food and discover locations, cultures and populations. It’s a narration which proceeds without any filters, as is in my nature and the pictures I take, that have been collected and gathered into a book, which give an insight into my personal, direct, honest and spontaneous view of the world through my eyes and through the camera lens.
In the last five years I have really put my energies into photography, studying its history, looking into interpreters (I really love Luigi Ghirri and hate McCurry), the instruments but above all, I have always exercised analogue photography, developed numerous film rolls, spending numerous hours in the dark room and in one of my teachers laboratories, or talking to my photographer friends who provide me with an infinite source of inspiration.
In this book, you will only find stories in colours. A thought-out collection of photographs that I hope will be a humanitarian exercise for those who read, that will enable to travel with your imagination and retrace my itineraries from favelas to skyscrapers through my nocturnal trips through market stalls. Children in a river full of people, through cock-fights and dried seaweed, grilled geckos and the worlds tastiest peaches, to look at pain and love in the eyes. I hope the images will give emotions that unravel through the discourse of words. I hope they will be of your appreciation and that they’ll stimulate you to take pictures and travel, which to me, is the equivalent of love.